Contact & Disclaimer

If you would like to contact the owners of cars displayed here or
happen to have further questions, plaese feel free to contact us!

Bookings, Cars and Website Info

95447 Bayreuth
Sombrero "at" low-mercy . com

This domain is owned by Misael. The content of
has been handwritten in HTML using Maybohm phase 5.2 HTML Editor.

Most of the pictures on display at the have been taken by the
owner or frequent contributers. When ever pictures from other sources were
being implemented, this has been indicated at the bottom of those websites.
If you find either one of your pictures or your vehicle on display here and if
you feel discontented with such a situation, please contact the webmaster.
Your concerns will be taken care of immediately!

You can contact the webmaster and creator of this domain by sending an e-mail to

webmaster "at" low-mercy . com

© 2004