Lowrider Masters 2004

3. - 4. April - Eis Arena Herne

... after the show : party-hop non-stop ...

Before the madness started, the winners were awarded with trophies:
Tom Guthard, Mike Edler and Guido Röhl (left to right) - winners in the fat-dancer category

But even after the show the action didn't stop: hopp-off in the players-field

One just gotta digg that scene

Big props and thanx to the Hydrazone-Frickel-Team:
Timmi "FSV" Neuber - Torben "McGuyver" Schwermann - Torsten "Lez" Küppers

He knew what was about to come...

...and they were ready for the action !

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Remember what this $ 7.000 sticker looked like before ?

For all those who were there that night: "let's lick some bunns"

On monday morning, everybody got ready to drive back home.
Some put their car on a trailer, some had to squeez themselves out of their car in a way to small
7,5 ton truck ...and some could enjoy the comfort of a nice truck with a side-opening ;)

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Editors note: Some of the pictures posted above are have been taken from lowrider-matsers.de

© 2004 by Michael Steinmetz, Bayreuth